
Coil Coatings

Coil coatings are factory applied specialized coatings on flat metal coils of steel or aluminium in continuous painting lines.


The paints are designed to withstand high shear and speed of painting line to give excellent metal finishing in various colours. The coating lines are sophisticated operations and involve close interaction to give an optimum product.


Spectrum Industries emphasizes the partnership model with coil coaters to deliver world class products and services to ensure sustainable and mutual growth.


ULTRASHELL Coil Coating System


Single coat polyester coatings

UltraShell coatings are polyester finishes designed for a wide variety of applications in roofing and cladding in normal environment. The key purpose is affordable coloured metal buildings . These can be directly applied on pre-treated substrate providing good adhesion during service life.



UltraShell coatings provide a number of unique benefits including:



UltraShell coatings are available in a wide spectrum of popular industry colors



End uses

UltraShell coatings are ideal for average life external use on agricultural buildings, rural buildings and construction site coverings

ULTRAFORM Coil Coating System


Multi-purpose polyester coatings

UltraForm coatings are field proven, multiple purpose polyester finishes designed for a wide variety of applications. These coatings provide superior flow characteristics over a wide range of cure temperatures. Ultraform coatings when applied over Spectrum recommended corrosion resistant primer to meet stringent roll forming and corrosion demands.



UltraForm coatings provide a number of unique benefits including:



UltraForm coatings are available in a wide spectrum of popular industry colors



End uses

UltraForm coatings are ideal for long-life external use on agricultural buildings, light commercial and pre-engineered buildings including:

ULTRACEIL Coil Coating System


Flexible polyester coatings

UltraCeil coatings flexible polyester finishes designed for a wide variety of internal applications like false ceilings, tiles and pattern. These coatings provide superior aesthetics in all gloss range and various patterns. They have excellent formability with our without primer. Gloss and abrasion resistant clear coat can be applied for enhanced aesthetics and perfomance.



UltraCeil coatings provide a number of unique benefits including:



UltraCeil coatings are available in a wide Spectrum of popular industry Colors



End uses

UltraCeil coatings are ideal for long-life internal use on false ceiling, internal wall panels and enclosures

ULTRADURO Coil Coating System


High Durable Polyester coatings

Ultraduro coatings are field proven high durable polyester finishes designed for a wide variety of applications in pre engineered buildings. These coatings provide superior physical properties with excellent outdoor durability to environmental factors. This when applied with our proprietary corrosion resistant primer provide good protection in harshest of environment.



Ultraduro coatings provide a number of unique benefits including:



Ultraduro coatings are available in a wide spectrum of popular industry colours based on inorganic and superior organic pigments



End uses

Ultraduro coatings are ideal for long-life external use on agricultural buildings, commercial and pre-engineered buildings including:

ULTRASHIELD Coil Coating System


High performance Super durable Polyester coatings

UltraShield coatings are designed to meet improved performance compared to regular high durable polyester coatings through superior durability in chalk and fade resistance. Proprietary primer system allows superior adhesion and bonding. Combined with our high build primer, it can be used for corrosive environment close to sea and high UV regions.



UltraShield coatings provide a number of unique benefits including



UltraShield coatings are available in a wide spectrum of popular industry colours entirely based on inorganic ceramic pigments



End uses

UltraShield coatings are ideal for long-life external use on premium commercial and pre-engineered buildings including

ULTRATOUGH Coil Coating System


PE-PA/PU-PA coatings

UltraTough coatings are designed to meet improved performance in abrasion, chalk and fade resistance through polyamide introduction in polyester or Polyurethane system. This allows usage in garage door applications, rolling shutters and where handling damages are common. These can be supplied in low gloss to mid gloss finish.



UltraTough coatings provide a number of unique benefits including:



UltraTough coatings are available in a wide spectrum of popular industry colors



End uses

UltraTough coatings are ideal for long-life external use on residential and industrial buildings

ULTRABUILD Coil Coating System


High Build PU-PA coatings

UltraBuild coatings are designed to meet superior performance in aggressive environment through higher thickness and toughness of PU-PA system. These when combined with performance pigments provides excellent fade resistance. This can be applied on our proprietary high build primer to give outstanding corrosion resistance in aggressive environment of industrial plants like fertilizer, petro chemical etc.



UltraBuild coatings provide a number of unique benefits including:



UltraBuild coatings are available in a wide spectrum of popular industry colors



End uses

UltraBuild coatings are ideal for long-life external use on residential and industrial buildings in aggressive environment

ULTRANAR Coil Coating System


Designed for harshest environments

Ultranar coatings are premium Fluoroploymer coatings based on patented Kynar500® FSF® PVDF resin with proven performance in harshest of environmental conditions. They provide outstanding resistance to Ultraviolet rays, exceptional colour retention and resistance to chalking and chemical degradation.



Ultranar coatings provide a number of unique benefits including:



Ultranar coatings are available in a wide spectrum of popular industry colors, metallic, pearlescent and sparkle finishes.



End uses

Ultranar coatings are ideal for long-life external use on premium commercial and residential buildings including:

ULTRAFLON Coil Coating System


Brilliant and Vivid Colours

Ultraflon coatings are premium Fluoropolymer coatings based on proprietary Lumiflon® FEVE resin allowing high durability in bright colours which are difficult in PVDF system. They can achieve high gloss levels upto 80 units and maintain consistently over service life.



Ultraflon coatings provide a number of unique benefits including:



Ultraflon coatings are available in a wide spectrum of exotic colours, metallic, pearlescent and sparkle finishes.



End uses

Ultraflon coatings are ideal for long-life external use on premium commercial and residential buildings including

ULTRAREFLECT Coil Coating System


Designed to be cooler

UltraReflect coatings are specially designed with reflective and durable pigments in our proprietary superdurable/PVDF system to offer high solar reflectance and thermal emittance, thus meeting stringent SRI values as per LEED criteria for buildings. This allows substantial saving to building owners consistently over service life.



UltraReflect coatings provide a number of unique benefits including:



UltraReflect coatings are available in a wide spectrum of solid colours, metallic and pearlescent finishes



End uses

UltraReflect coatings are ideal for long-life external use on premium commercial and residential buildings including:

ULTRAGLITZ Coil Coating System


Designed to Impress

UltraGlitz coatings are specially designed with metallic/pearlscent/Glass flakes pigments to give special effects to coatings. This allows modern day architects to design façade for premium buildings in new way. These effects are assured with our durable resin system to keep building sparkling during service life.



UltraGlitz coatings provide a number of unique benefits including:



UltraGlitz coatings are available in a wide spectrum of special effects on various colour base.



End uses

UltraGlitz coatings are ideal for long-life external use on premium commercial and residential buildings including

ULTRAGUARD Coil Coating System


Designed to be hygienic in use

UltraGuard Anti microbial coatings are especially designed to maintain hygienic surface over service life where it is prime importance to avoid any bacterial growth. The performance is achieved through proprietary technology based on speciality additives to give high kill rate for E.Coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria on coating surface. The property is duly certified as per ISO 22196:2011 and test results as per JIS Z 2801: 2000.



UltraGuard coatings provide a number of unique benefits including:



UltraGuard coatings are available in limited white and off white colours



End uses

UltraGuard coatings are ideal for use on premium commercial and residential buildings including

ULTRAPRIM Coil Coating Primer System


Designed to protect

UltraPrim primer series are specially designed with different resins having good adhesion with metal substrate and offers excellent corrosion resistance when combined with suitable pigments. The design takes care of various topcoat chemistry and end application as per forming operations, environment and service life. We at spectrum truly believe that primer is very important layer for overall performance of coating system in natural environment and hence utmost care is taken in design and recommendation to coaters.


ULTRABACK Coil Coating Backer System


Designed to support

Backing coats in coil coating play important role as they are subjected to profiling operations and most importantly foaming to make sandwich panel used in roof and wall for insulation benefit. Our backer series Ultraback provides various options to coaters to decide suitable type of backer. We have tested our backers for foam adhesion and scratch resistance to ensure trouble free formation process.